Watch “McDonald’s Worker, Customer Get Into Vicious Brawl Over Soda” on YouTube

The world really is going down the toilet. You can watch it swirling down the bowl in this video. The customer requested a free cup for water, but tried to fill the cup with soda instead. The McDonald's manager screams that she's sick of people stealing soda, and turns off the soda dispenser. The customer … Continue reading Watch “McDonald’s Worker, Customer Get Into Vicious Brawl Over Soda” on YouTube

When talking a cold shower is a good thing

When you hear someone say 'take a cold shower' the connotation behind it isn't usually good. I most associate that phrase with some poor guy who's horny, hot 'n heavy, and ready for some sexual action. The problem our poor guy has is the other half of the sexual duo isn't in the mood (or … Continue reading When talking a cold shower is a good thing

Gestures are Enabled in my Android P Beta install

As I just posted about, I went diving in head first into Android P's gesture based navigation within the OS. Truthfully I liked how I had my phone set up with the P Beta install, but I had to take the plunge. As I said in my last post, I don't Beta test things to … Continue reading Gestures are Enabled in my Android P Beta install

California is requiring solar panels on all new houses: here’s what that means – The Verge

Look, I get the idea of renewable energy. I completely believe in reducing greenhouse gas and emissions. I'm a firm believer in the science behind global warming. But this is taking things a step in the wrong direction. By requiring all new homes to be built with solar panels, Kalifornistan is mandating themselves out of … Continue reading California is requiring solar panels on all new houses: here’s what that means – The Verge

Delta and Sears say data breach exposed hundreds of thousands of credit cards

Man, this is a story that I feel like I post about every few days. Delta airlines and Sears (Sears? Who the fuck still shops at Sears??) are reporting data breaches to their online stores. The breach may have compromised their credit card information for thousands of people. Both companies use the same online support … Continue reading Delta and Sears say data breach exposed hundreds of thousands of credit cards

Chance the Rapper Blasts Heineken For ‘Terribly Racist’ ‘Sometimes, Lighter is Better’ Ad

Are you fuck'n kidding me 'Chance' the crapper..uh I mean rapper? A commercial for a 'light' beer that uses the tag line 'sometimes lighter is better' is racist??? OMFG, c'mon people! See, this is exactly what I was talking about in my last post about people who were offended by some scenes in Doctor Who. … Continue reading Chance the Rapper Blasts Heineken For ‘Terribly Racist’ ‘Sometimes, Lighter is Better’ Ad

Doctor Who’s 9 most controversial moments: Sex, violence and dirty joke.s

Oh man, this kind of stuff just makes me laugh out loud! It boggles my mind to think that people are offended by some of these Doctor Who moments. I sometimes feel like people go out of their way looking for things to offend them. It's like they want to have something to complain about. … Continue reading Doctor Who’s 9 most controversial moments: Sex, violence and dirty joke.s