Rumor: ‘Star Wars’ Actor Claims 9 Movies in Development, Including More ‘Story’ Stand-Alones

According to Star Wars voice actor Tom Kane, there are 9 different Star Wars movies in various stages of development. Movies include stand alone projects as well as ‘regular’ entries in the franchise.

This is exactly what I was afraid of when Disney bought Star Wars/Lucasfilm from George Lucas- too many films in too short of a time span. In Disney’s attempt to recover the money they spent on the purchase, they had to make movies with the SW brand.

But in their attempts to do so, they’ve created a monster. There’s been problems with production, directors have even been fired during filming. Solo: a Star Wars Story is the inevitable conclusion of the rush to cash in, production problems, and replacing directors during filming. Let’s face it, Solo sucked as a movie. It was actually two movies stitched together and released on an expectant audience.

After Kathleen Kennedy & others saw the ‘completed’ Solo, they should have been smarter and pushed back the release of the movie to bring it up to the standards that fans expect. With this many SW movies in production, I expect fans will be less and less excited about new SW movies coming out. I also expect more flops like Solo will happen, because with that many movies happening, quality control is going to take a nose dive.

Disney is going to ruin SW if they don’t take a break from the movie a year schedule they have now.

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