George Lucas Reveals What His Star Wars Sequels Would’ve Been

James Cameron put together an awesome mini series on the history of, and deeper meaning of science fiction. He interviewed many important people in the sci-fi world, including George Lucas. During the interview Lucas let slip where he would have gone with Star Wars episodes VI – VIII.

Lucas was going to introduce a new species/race called the Whills. They were a microbiotic race who “controlled the universe” and per Lucas “they feed off the force”. They were going to tie into the midi-clorians, an idea introduced in The Phantom Menace used to explain how strong a person was with the Force.

Lucas didn’t get into his episode VI-VIII ideas much past what’s been shown/quoted (or if he did it isn’t being released), so all we have to go on are the brief ideas we’ve seen and heard. I think that after the prequel trilogy Star Wars fans were/are on edge with Lucas and his ideas on where the story goes next. Ignoring the terrible acting in the prequels (except for Ewan MacGregor, he was great!) and focusing on just the story, Lucas really didn’t deliver.

The introduction of the midichlorians is almost universally hated. Obi-Wan, in “A New Hope says that The Force is “an energy field created by all living beings.” But midichlorians aren’t an energy field. They are cells inside living beings. Lucas created a contradiction in his own story. I personally think that anything having to do with midichlorians in a Lucas written/directed Star Wars movie would be rejected by fans immediately.

So the idea of the Whills as being these physical things that control the universe and the Force would be a terrible idea in my mind. The Force always worked best when it was mystical and relied somewhat on belief to understand and use. Midichlorians took the mysticism away from the Force and made it biological. I think that the Whills would have further erode what we think is the Force. Lucas would continue to ruin his universe, so I’m glad he sold out to Disney.

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