Doomsday Clock is Moved Ahead Another 30 seconds & Is Now at 2 min to Mindnight.

Lawrence Krauss, chair of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists‘ board of sponsors, and Robert Rosner, chair of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists’ science and security board, said another half-minute has passed, and the Doomsday clock is now set to 2 minutes to midnight. Krauss & Rosner said that President Trump & world leaders haven’t taken enough steps to combat global warming, or the growing threat of nuclear war with rogue states like North Korea.

I find the timing of this move a little suspicious, what with President Trump in Davos, Switzerland for the next few days. Trump’s attitude towards science/scientists in general is poor, so I’m viewing this as a more political/social awareness move than there being an actual and credible cause for alarm.

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