AT&T lets NSA hide and surveil in plain sight, The Intercept reports – CNET

AT&T and the NSA are back in the news again. The NSA has reportedly set up shop in AT&T buildings across the US for at least the past several years. The Intercept says it's identified eight different AT&T facilities that are used for the National Security Agency's surveillance initiative. They are reportedly linked to a … Continue reading AT&T lets NSA hide and surveil in plain sight, The Intercept reports – CNET

Bill Gates says big tech companies are inviting government regulation

I don't necessarily disagree with Bill Gates on this- big tech companies are doing things that are concerning to people in the government. Those concerned government officials have the power to write law's forcing the tech industry to comply. The case that Gates references is the the California worker who shot up a Christmas party … Continue reading Bill Gates says big tech companies are inviting government regulation

Congress is sneaking through a major expansion of NSA surveillance powers – The Verge

I'm a patriot. I love my country. Terrorists who want to harm me, my family, and my country for ridiculous things like we don't share the same religious beliefs should be stopped. With extreme prejudice if necessary. Having said all that, we can't become like the terrorists to stop the terrorists. We are a country … Continue reading Congress is sneaking through a major expansion of NSA surveillance powers – The Verge