Cops Are Predictably Pissed About Apple’s Plan to Turn Off USB Data Access on iPhones

Apple is reportedly making its phones more secure for consumers. This sounds like a good thing, right? So why are police so up in arms over the move? Reports say that Apple has plans to prevent anyone who wants to gain access to a encrypted iOS device via techniques like Cellebrite’s GrayKey phone-hacking box by … Continue reading Cops Are Predictably Pissed About Apple’s Plan to Turn Off USB Data Access on iPhones

Bill Gates says big tech companies are inviting government regulation

I don't necessarily disagree with Bill Gates on this- big tech companies are doing things that are concerning to people in the government. Those concerned government officials have the power to write law's forcing the tech industry to comply. The case that Gates references is the the California worker who shot up a Christmas party … Continue reading Bill Gates says big tech companies are inviting government regulation

Apple says it immediately contacted FBI about unlocking Texas shooter’s iPhone – The Verge What the FUCK Apple?? This is a major about face in attitude towards helping law enforcement get into people's phone and getting past/through the encryption. I liked it when Apple stood up against the US government and the FBI and didn't help them crack into phone. Now all the sudden they want to help? … Continue reading Apple says it immediately contacted FBI about unlocking Texas shooter’s iPhone – The Verge