The New York Times: Zuckerberg Tries to Clarify Remarks About Holocaust Deniers After Outcry

The New York Times: Zuckerberg Tries to Clarify Remarks About Holocaust Deniers After Outcry. Despite the anger this may cause, the Zuck is correct about not removing Holocaust deniers. First, here's the story. We'll get into the finer points in a bit. Mark Zuckerberg, the Facebook chief executive, said in an interview published Wednesday that … Continue reading The New York Times: Zuckerberg Tries to Clarify Remarks About Holocaust Deniers After Outcry

Facebook is rolling out new global privacy protections – The Verge

Facebook announced today that all 2 billion users of the social media platform will be getting updated security and privacy settings. The updates are all based on the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) laws that will go into effect on May 25th. The GDPR is all about getting upfront consent from the user on … Continue reading Facebook is rolling out new global privacy protections – The Verge

Judge shows scant patience for military transgender ban – The Washington Post

I really try to stay away from politics on my blog. But, since this story involves the military I'm going to make an exception. The question at hand here revolves around President Trump's ban on transgender people serving in the military. The court has to decide on weather the ban is constitutional or not. They … Continue reading Judge shows scant patience for military transgender ban – The Washington Post

Why People Finally Feel Betrayed by Facebook

Maybe I'm ahead of the curve, but I saw the Facebook data collection & privacy issue creeping up into the mainstream almost a year ago. That's when I stopped using Facebook altogether. While I'm sad that it took this much for ormal people to see just how much information Facebook collects about you (and your friends), … Continue reading Why People Finally Feel Betrayed by Facebook

Reports say the State Department Has Reportedly Purchased a $15,000 iPhone Encryption Cracking Device

Recently uncovered public federal procurement documents show that the State Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security purchased a GrayKey encryption-breaking device from Grayshift. The documents only identify the purchase as for “computer and computer peripheral equipment,” but it has confirmed “the phone number of the vendor in both the purchase order and documents previously obtained detailing … Continue reading Reports say the State Department Has Reportedly Purchased a $15,000 iPhone Encryption Cracking Device

Apple CEO Tim Cook wants “well-crafted” privacy regulations after latest Facebook scandal – The Verge

Of course Apple's Tim Cook is all for "well crafted privacy regulations". Apple doesn't make its money on data (like Google or Facebook), they make their money on hardware. Now with all that said, something does need to change with the way companies use the personal information on users. To a large degree the problem … Continue reading Apple CEO Tim Cook wants “well-crafted” privacy regulations after latest Facebook scandal – The Verge

Facebook apologizes for promoting a VR shooting game at CPAC – The Verge

I'm sorry, but this is ridiculous political correct bull shit! So what if Facebook/Oculus showed off a VR game where there was shooting in the game? Yes I know that there was just a school shooting three weeks ago, but you know what? There are shootings EVERY DAY of the year. Do we not show … Continue reading Facebook apologizes for promoting a VR shooting game at CPAC – The Verge

Sex, Pong, And Pioneers: What Atari Was Really Like, According To Women Who Were There

A few things about #MeToo, Atari, and Nolan Bushnell. First things first: no woman (or man) should have to deal with sexual harrasment in the workplace. Nobody should force someone into a sexual situation to keep their job or get promoted. This Harvey Weinstein type of behavior is disgusting, pathetic, and a relic of the … Continue reading Sex, Pong, And Pioneers: What Atari Was Really Like, According To Women Who Were There

Bill Gates says big tech companies are inviting government regulation

I don't necessarily disagree with Bill Gates on this- big tech companies are doing things that are concerning to people in the government. Those concerned government officials have the power to write law's forcing the tech industry to comply. The case that Gates references is the the California worker who shot up a Christmas party … Continue reading Bill Gates says big tech companies are inviting government regulation